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Crystal Clear Coverage: The A to Z of Glass Insurance Explained

Crystal Clear Coverage: The A to Z of Glass Insurance Explained

We know you’re here because you understand that when it comes to glass, accidents can happen when you least expect them. Whether you own a residential or commerical property (or both), Glass Insurance is your shield against the unexpected; your guardian of transparency. In this blogpost, we will break down the basics of Glass Insurance, making it as clear as the glass it protects!

Understanding the Glass Landscape


3 glass types

Annealed Glass (Standard Glass): The MVP (Most Valuable Pane) in homes everywhere, but it comes with a catch. Despite its prevalence, Annealed Glass is characterized by its susceptibility to breakage, forming elongated, jagged shards upon impact. The inherent fragility of this glass type poses a substantial risk, often leading to significant injuries and heightened collateral damage.

Tempered Glass (Safety Glass):  Tempered Glass distinguishes itself by its ability to break into small, uniform, and less hazardous fragments. This tempered quality is achieved through a controlled heating and rapid cooling process during manufacturing. While more durable than Annealed Glass, it remains imperative for environments prioritizing safety.

Laminated Glass (Safety meets Security): The maestro of safety and security. Instead of shattering, this glass variety is crafted with a layer of vinyl that ensures it remains intact. This unique composition not only mitigates the safety hazards associated with shattered glass fragments but also fortifies against unauthorized access, adding a layer of security.

Why Glass Insurance?

Picture this: a stray baseball, a hailstorm, or, heaven forbid, a break-in. Typically your homeowner’s or commercial insurance policy would cover glass at a (higher) deductible. Most glass insurance policies have a very low or no deductible for claims. In addition, Glass Insurance doesn’t just cover the cost of replacing the glass; it extends its embrace to cleaning up the aftermath and repairing any collateral damage. It’s your comprehensive solution for those unexpected “cracked” moments.

Choosing the Right Coverage

At Stratis Insurance, we understand that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we offer tailored Glass Insurance solutions. Whether you have a charming bay window or a sleek glass façade, we’ve got your panes covered! Our policies are designed to provide peace of mind, ensuring that you’re protected no matter what type of glass graces your space.

How to Get Started

Ready to invest in the clarity and protection of Glass Insurance? Reach out to our experienced brokers today. We’ll guide you through the process, helping you choose the right coverage that aligns with your needs and budget. Remember, at Stratis Insurance, we’re not just insurance providers; we’re your partners in peace. Stay protected, stay transparent, and see the world through a crystal-clear lens with Glass Insurance.

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